Update: CCMG Abstract Submission Deadline: April 17, 2023
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Abstract Submission Guidelines
Before you begin, please read these Abstract Instructions for details of the Abstract Structure and Abstract Submission Process. For more information contact the CCMG Office at info@ccmg-ccgm.org.
Presentation Details:
Abstracts will be considered for either poster, oral presentation or both (please select here). If accepted presenter will be made aware of presentation type and given detailed instructions on how to self record (trainee vs regular participant).
NOTE: Poster presentations will include both an eposter uploaded to the viewing system for viewing during and after the conference, and a paper poster presentation onsite at the conference.
Conference Registration:
In order to submit and display their work, presenters will be required to register to the conference.
Abstracts must be submitted online. The deadline for submission is April 17, 2023. Confirmation will be sent on receipt of abstract. Notification of acceptance will be returned to the submitting author by April 21, 2023. Additional instructions for presentation will be provided at that time.
Abstracts submitted to the CCMG Annual Meeting must meet approved standards for scientific quality and consistency, and they must be submitted correctly. They will be evaluated by peer review by one or more reviewers with expertise on the abstract topic. Failure to comply with the submission guidelines will result in abstract rejection.
There is no limit on the number of abstracts registrants may submit. However, multiple abstracts must differ sufficiently to warrant separate presentations. Submission of multiple abstracts with similar content may result in the rejection of one or more of the abstracts.
Abstracts will be automatically rejected if they do not meet the following criteria:
To be formatted by online submission system
To be formatted by online submission system
Word length
250 words (Deduct 50 for each table or graphic)
Maximum of 2 within the specified dimensions
Structured format
Objectives: The study objective. Sufficient information demonstrating relevance in genetics.
Design & Methods: Sufficient description of methodology or case.
Results: Sufficient objective evidence/observations in the results section to support conclusions. Results are to be expressed in IFCC SI units.
Conclusions: Statement of conclusions.
Spreadsheets not to exceed 6 columns; jpgs not to exceed 3.5″ wide x 4.0″ tall
Abstract Submission Process
- Writing must be concise, clear, and grammatically correct.
- Technical information pertaining to observations and conclusions cannot be withheld for proprietary reasons. It is not acceptable to state that “results will be discussed”.
- Do not use hard returns to break lines; use the word wrap feature.
- The abstract paragraph cannot exceed 250 words and is to be written in single-space.
- A maximum of 2 tables and/or figures are acceptable. Deduct 50 words from the maximum word count for each included table or figure. Figures should be no larger than 3.5 inches wide by 4.0 inches high, legible at these dimensions, and cropped to eliminate extra white space. Tables must fit and be legible within a 3.5 inch column.
- All abbreviations should be defined when first used.
- If used, references should be given in parentheses without authors or title by provided Index-Medicus-listed Journal abbreviations without punctuation followed by year, volume number and inclusive page numbers. (Example: Med Genetics 2002;35:151-169).
Sample Abstract:
Title – enter in sentence case in the field on the submission form
Authors – enter names and affiliations in the fields on the submission form
Background. Previous research with structured abstracts has taken place in mainly medical contexts. This research indicated that such abstracts are more informative, more readable, and more appreciated by readers than are traditional abstracts.
Objectives. The purpose of this study was to test the hypothesis that structured abstracts might also be appropriate for a particular psychology journal.
Design/Method. 24 traditional abstracts from the Journal of Educational Psychology were re-written in a structured form. Measures of word length, information content and readability were made
for both sets of abstracts, and 48 authors rated their clarity.
Results. The structured abstracts were significantly longer than the original ones, but they were also significantly more informative and readable, and judged significantly clearer by these
academic authors.
Conclusions. These findings support the notion that structured abstracts could be profitably introduced into many journals.
Click here for a helpful paper which offers tips and guidelines on how to write a successful abstract: http://rc.rcjournal.com/content/respcare/49/10/1206.full.pdf
All presenting authors must register for the conference and pay the registration fees in order to qualify for platform/poster presentation and abstract publication. Abstracts of attendees that are not present at the conference will not be published. If registration information has not been sent to you and is required, please contact:
CCMG Head Office
4 Cataraqui Street, Suite 310
Kingston, ON K7K 1Z7
Email: info@ccmg-ccgm.org
Abstracts must be received by April 17, 2023.
Authors will be notified of acceptance or rejection via email by April 21, 2023. The presenter’s registration form and fee for registration must be received no later than April 30, 2023 to qualify for presentation.
Click Here to Submit an Abstract